I'm so proud of my little brother, He is preparing to go on a mission instead of another year at Adams State on a scholarship. He is now an Elder and he just turned in his mission papers. I'm so excited to see where he'll be called. He is going to be such a good missionary! I can't imagine many people opening the door and seeing him and turning him away! j/k I'm thankful he has had such good friends and influences in his life because I know I have never been a good example for him and I wish I had been. Anyway I'm gonna miss the little brat and I just saw this picture of him and thought he should stay and model, freakin brat got all the good genes!
I am so glad Elder "Hotness" is going on his mission. That is such a blessing to your family.
I can't believe that he is old enough to go on a mission! Wholly crap how time flies by!
All I have to say to that picture is Bow Chica WowWow haha. You can tell him I said that too. That is so awesome he is going on a mission what a good decision to make with your life I have always looked up to missionaries by choosing to serve the Lord for TWO years at such a young age. Cant wait to hear were he is headed!! maybe Hawaii like my brother Danny that would be cool!!
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