Monday, June 23, 2008

Update on Lance

We were in Phoenix with Lance again this weekend, he was stable and we thought he was getting a little better but he had a bad day on Sat. The Doctor came in and told us they found a blood clot in his lung that was causing him not to be able to use that lung, they were really worried about it. Greg and Uncle Brannon gave him another blessing and the next day the doctors put him in this bed that turns him over so his circulation will be better. He was a little better Sunday his oxygen levels had gone back up, but today his oxygen is back down and they are worried again, he's got a lot of fluid on his lungs a blood clot in one and pneumonia. So please keep praying for him. We really appreciate all the love, support and prayers!

1 comment:

{nicole coombs} said...

We are still Praying for Him!!!
Love you guys let us know if we can do anything next time your down Your more then welcome to stay with us and bring your kids i can watch them while you are at the hospital.