Lance and Richie

Ganon hugging Uncle Lance

Welcome Home Lance

Just hanging out

All smiles :)
Lance was able to come home last thursday. There were a lot of friends and family waiting for him and of course I followed him around with a camera. So here are some pictures! We are soooo glad he is home and on his way back to the Lance we all know and love!
I got to see him the other day at mandy's...he looks good!...skinny but good!
Hey Des! Your kids are so cute! And Im glad that you guys are doing well. Tessa never told me you had a blog - so watch out. Im a blog stalker, if that's ok. lol - Im glad that Lance is home safe. We were worried about him so much and we are glad he can be home to enjoy his family and friends.
Hey hope you don't mind I posted a few of those on my blog too. Too many ?'s all the time so I wanted to do a little post! Email me the others you got if you would. mdavis_23@yahoo.com. THNX! And thanx for the info the other night at the races~HEE Hee, you know what I mean.
Hey Des! Your family is so darn cute! I can't believe Gannon is in school, I bet you can't either! Adi is the cutest little red head, and she is getting so big. Lance was at church a couple of Sunday's ago, and he looked good, a little on the thin side, but I'm glad to see he is home and better. How's all the girls at the lodge doing? I need to drive up there and vist you all; and let you play w/ little miss Bailee. She is getting so big, and just a bunch of fun to play with! I'm glad to see all is well with you & your family.
You didn't start anything, except that I'm always righht about that situation!! He knew it was stupid too. Anyways, no i didn't get those pics, I'll have to look again. thanx.
I have been waiting for you to post but since you haven't yet, I love the new background and the cute picture!!
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