My family went to Provo on Monday to take Kellin to the MTC. It is a LONG drive, especially with two bratty girls. We took two cars my mom, dad and Kellin in one car and me, Tessa, Tae and Adi in the other! Ya we got the shaft! Anyway on Tuesday we went and walked around Temple Square and took a tour of the Conference Building and watched the movie Legacy in the visitors center. The Salt Lake Temple and all the buildings around it are absolutely beautiful! Then on Wednesday Kell had to be to the MTC at one so we went to breakfast and me and Tessa decided that it would be easier for Kellin to say bye to us at the motel, it didn't really matter where the goodbye took place it was still hard! I think that walking around the temple and watching Legacy really helped us feel better about leaving him. I am so proud of him and he is going to be such a good missionary! I can't wait for him to get to Naga to start getting letters from him! It was really hard but a truly amazing experience!
Awe that brought tears to my eyes. Such a hard, but amazing thing! We have had many of those talks I know. I love the pics, I have been wanting one for my house. They have tons of pretty ones at the book store, just looking at them makes you feel the spirit! It's amazing. Glad you got to go.
What a good experience. I am glad Kellin is going on his mission and being a good example to you. hahaha!!
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