Friday, September 26, 2008

TuTu Cute!

So I saw a picture of Britney Garners little girl on her blog in a TuTu that Britney made! Ally looked very unhappy in her TuTu and my first thought was that is exactly what Adi would look like if she was wearing a TuTu! She is not at all the girl I thought I would have, she hates earrings, bows, dresses, and basically everything else that is girly. But I fell COMPLETELY in love with that little TuTu and I had to have one even if I could only get one picture in it! And just as I thought Adi is not a big fan! It is so freakin cute though I'm going to keep trying. I talk it up every time we see it I say, "Oh Adi there is your sooo cute TuTu, I love it! If you ware it I'll take your picture! Ya I'm pathetic I know! Oh crap the best part of the whole story... Ganon came home from school just as I finished the TuTu and he asked who it was for and I said Adi and he saw some more material and asked who that was for and I said I'm going to make Tae one too, he said can I try Tae's on? I said no its a TuTu for girls and he said (totally bummed out) Well can you make me a MAN suit! I thought I was going to pass out from laughing! Thanks for the cute idea Britney!


Mandy said...

Lol> so funny. you need to make him a little cape! I love the skirt, someday she will like girly things! HOPEFULLY! HEE HEE

Andra said...

A MAN SUIT.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is too funny!!

britney said...

Lol - Yeah - I made Linds's little girl one too, she didnt like it so much. Whats wrong with girls these days? lol She is adorable!